Saturday, January 31, 2015

Iron-Rich Ingredients and desert!

Dearest Kat,

After posting the recipes for what I would eat this last week... surprise, surprise, I did not end up making either of the recipes yet. BUT in the wake of that, I HAVE found a couple of things in my cupboard that are surprisingly easy to cook with AND have iron in them. So I thought I would share.

The first is blackstrap molasses of all things. With slightly less calories per Tablespoon, this rich syrupy sap has an amazing 20% DV of iron for each! I bought it to make these tasty ginger cookies.

A couple weeks ago I was sent this recipe for a single serving deep dish cookie, and of course I have messed with it to make it more healthy and nutrient-rich. That makes up for the fact that I have consumed it... well... 6 nights this past week...

I'll try to detract from that fact by explaining the "upgraded" ingredients :

  • butter --- coconut oil 
  • flour --- 1 part garbanzo bean flour + one part other flour (tried millet, but that was a bad choice. Almond and spelt have worked great) 
  • sugar --- 1 part molasses or honey + one part 'solid sugar' (I usually use coconut palm sugar, but brown or white sugar would also work) 
You can also experiment with the recipe. When I ran out of the expensive dairy/soy free chocolate chips, I tried other ways: 
  • plain chocolate cookie: cocoa 
  • snicker doodle: cinnamon + coconut sugar sprinkle 
  • chocolate snicker doodle: cocoa + cinnamon 
  • chocolate ginger: cocoa + ginger powder
  • chocolate peanut or almond butter: cocoa + nut butter 
So I mentioned garbanzo bean flour earlier. It is one of the cheapest alternative flours I've come across. WAY cheaper than almond flour (usually $10/lb), this little power powder was only $3 for a 1 lb. bag of Bob Mill's. It also has a significant bit of iron, with 10% DV per 1/4 cup.

Made these pancakes this morning with it and were so pleasantly surprised at their fluffiness, and texture. Most gluten-free pancakes aren't that forgiving - or healthy for that matter. The amount of batter was perfect for the three girls eating, which probably means it would be perfect for you and Jamison :) 

From a Tennessee coffee shop wishing you were here, 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

On the Menu...

So it isn't Monday, but I have not been doing well at feeding myself lately. 

In retaliation to this, I am posting inspiration recipes: 
which I will tweak and let you know how they turn out! 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Finally! The Recipe Roundup Begins...

So. This healthy eating thing. The taking care of our bodies thing. The sharing of recipes thing. Yes. It's finally. A thing.

It has taken way, way, way too much for me to finally get in here and start posting some of my favorite go-to sites and recipes. But I am looking forward to sharing these and having a single place to find all my links rather than the mess of bookmark folders that currently puddle my web-browser.

This one's for you, Kat. Thanks for your patience. Easy way to cook bacon every time.

Also, I've made these little guys for the past two Saturdays. They don't take long at all to make, and I don't feel bad about sitting on the couch with my roomie consuming 10 of them at once...